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AmigaGuide 34.6 Commodore AmigaGuide hypertext utility
Archive distribution of the AmigaGuide hypertext utility direct from
Commodore. Contains developer examples and tools for AmigaGuide under
V34/V37 and V39, plus a new free print/sign/send-in distribution
license for AmigaGuide, amigaguide.library, WDisplay, and their icons.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
Path: AmigaLibDisk1001:Programs/AmigaGuide/
MultiFileSystem 1.1 An interface to other file systems
Thanks to the versatility of AmigaDOS, we are able to use many different
file systems on our disks. The most popular is of course CrossDOS (tm), but
many other file systems can be found in the PD.
Adding a new file system to the Amiga is simplicity itself: just copy a
file in L:, provide a suitable mountlist, and there you go.
This works flawlessy if every physical unit is accessed by a single file
system, but if multiple file systems share the same device, some problems
- You have to call the same unit with different names (e.g. DF0: and PC0:)
depending of the kind of disk inserted.
- When you insert a PC disk, the Workbench shows a DF0:???? icon, and vice
versa; this can be very annoying especially for owners of more than one
- When a file system is busy (for example during a DiskCopy), the other file
systems can still access the disk; this goes against the concept of
"inhibiting" a device.
MultiFileSystem solves all of these problems. It isn't a file system in the
usual way: it is an interface to other file systems. When you mount it, you
tell it which file systems it should use; afterwards, when a disk is
inserted, MultiFileSystem will recognize it and pass the commands to the
appropriate file system. This means that with a single device name, for
example DF0:, you can access any conceivable file system!
You are not limited to floppy drives, of course: I successfully installed
MultiFileSystem over a 128Mb magnetooptical drive.
Author: Nicola Salmoria
Path: AmigaLibDisk1001:Programs/MFS/
Bview 1.10 IFF Viewer with extensive GUI (ECS/AGA)
Bview 1.10 IFF ILBM viewer with GUI for all functions
for kickstart 37.175 and higher ECS & AGA support.
copyright 1992-1994 by Joeri Alberty.
> Features of Bview <
- Gadget Intuition interface (gadtools.library) for every function.
- Easy change Viewmodes with a click of your mouse
- Easy scale your bitmap to fit on screen.
- Print a picture with adjustment of printer settings
- Save a picture in IFF ILBM , Scr , Raw on disk
- View the IFF ILBM -> BMHD CAMG etc ...
- Save your environment of Bview to ENV: etc ...
- Save information about picture to disk or printer. (MakeText
- Make a Slide show by pressing a button..
- Use Double buffered mode (load one pic & view the other.
-----> Improvements from 1.02 to 1.05
- HAM KEY USING message fixed.
- Save problem with 256 colors fixed.
- Scaling routines can now enlarge a picture if it is a brush etc...
(Use Fit & Scale (Aspect & Scale) in Change mode menu and press Render)
- Ilbm to source generates now colortables for
- You can now use an AppIcon Set 'PRO_START=2' in Tooltypes (Bview icon)
- load and display, 'PRO_START=1' make Bview an Commodity)
- Compiled with SAS C/C++ 6.51 with optimiser ... (__inline)
-----> Improvements from 1.06 to 1.10
- Information & Option menu's rewritten
Now you can use DBmode ,promoted mode etc..
- Loader & saver rewritten to improve speed.
- BIG problem fixed with some pointers of the IFFparse library
Now you don't loose your colors anymore.
- More stable than 1.06 by rewriting the process routines.
Now you have a viewer,GUI with a loader and not the other way around.
- SHELL support improved.
Now you can use #? & / for loading directories & wildcards.
see guide for more information & examples.
Gives you information when something did go wrong
- Other smaller improvements in the code ...
- Changed save routine of ENV: so it doesn't crash anymore.
- You can load mangled pictures & display them partly.
Author: Joeri Alberty
Path: AmigaLibDisk1002:Programs/Bview/
SIRDS_GEN 3.14 Single Image Random Dot Stereogram genr.
Single-Image-Random-Dot Stereogram generator. SIRDSs are "real"
three-dimensional pictures. The dots (which seem random) are calculated
in such a way that if you focus "behind" the picture (monitor,etc), you
will see a 3D pic with a real feeling of "depth". This version features:
Function plotting, and viewing as SIRDS; Free choice of screen-mode;
Scaling of the picture; Should run on Graphics cards too (not much tested,
but Picasso II is working); Automatic correction of the eyewidth to the
displaymode; Uses datatypes for reading the picture; 32-bit color
functions used; Uses a symmetric algorithm; Generation of "SIS" possible;
Flimmering, various settings possible, 3 different pattern-modes and more!
Author: Michael Mutschler
Path: AmigaLibDisk1002:Programs/SIRDS_GEN/
Scout 1.3 Tool to monitor computer system.
A tool that allows you to monitor your computer system. It displays
many different things - like tasks, ports, assigns, expansion boards,
resident commands, interrupts, etc. - and you can perform some
certain actions on them.
For example you can freeze tasks, close windows and screens, release
semaphores or remove locks, ports and interrupts.
An implemented ARexx interface makes you these actions available, too.
Author: Andreas Gelhausen
Path: AmigaLibDisk1003:Programs/Scout/
VMM 2.1 Virtual memory for Amigas w/68030/68040
VMM implements a virtual memory manager for Amigas with a 68040 or
68030 processor. A nice GUI to enter all parameters and to disable
certain tasks and load files from using virtual memory is also
V2.1 fixes various bugs in V2.0a. It also includes a write buffer for
pages going out to disk, making VMM a lot faster. Paging to a file
has also been speeded up significantly.
Author: Martin Apel
Path: AmigaLibDisk1003:Programs/VMM/
Heddley 1.18 Composes AmigaGuide files easily.
Heddley allows you to compose AmigaGuide files with greater ease than
by hand. It provides you with an overview of all the documents in the
database (an AmigaGuide file is called a 'database', made up of many
Author: Edd Dumbill
Path: AmigaLibDisk1004:Programs/Heddley/
WANT 1.017 Searches textfiles for keywords
WANT let's you search a textfile, like INDEX, for one or two "search
terms". If two terms are entered, you may select AND or OR as logical
operators. WANT is very fast. Searches on a 1200 take about one second
for a 1MB file. A full GUI interface and presetable options via tooltypes
make this is a powerful search facility. The output of a search can be
directed to your favorite filereader or text editor. This is version 1.017,
with a planned release of version 2 around December 1994.
WB2.04 & up. ReqTools Library required, but not included. EGREP and GAWK
are required and included. CLI or WorkBench. GiftWare.
IMPORTANT: The docs for WANT are located in WANT/DOCS. Please read
them before installing and using WANT. Installation requires you to
leave all of the included files in their directories.
Author: Will Bow
Path: AmigaLibDisk1004:Programs/WANT/
AmiCDFS 37.5 CDROM fs, also reads Mac floppy & hd
AmiCDFileSystem is a file system which can read:
- ISO-9660 (w/ RockRidge extensions) and Macintosh HFS CD-ROMs
- Macintosh HFS floppy and hard disks
The ability to read Macintosh floppy and hard disks comes for free, since
they use the same file system used for HFS CD-ROMs.
This program was originally based on AmiCDROM 1.9 by Frank Munkert.
While the file system functions are mostly the original ones, the
packet handling routines have been completely re-written.
This file system can be installed on the Rigid Disk Block (RDB) of an hard
disk to automatically mount a Mac partition (you can even boot from it, if
you manage to put the necessary Amiga system files in it).
The code is reentrant and is shared among multiple instances of the file
system. This means that if you use AmiCDFileSystem on a CD-ROM drive, a
magneto-optical drive, two floppy drives and two hard disk partitions, like
a friend of mine does, only one copy will be loaded instead of six - saving
100K of memory.
Author: Nicola Salmoria, based on AmiCDROM by Frank Munkert
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/AmiCDFS/
AmiCDROM 1.13 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
AmiCDROM is a CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga.
It supports the ISO-9660 standard, the Rock Ridge Interchange
Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format.
The CDROM drive is mounted as a DOS device (e.g. CD0:). You can
access files and directories on a CDROM disk by the usual syntax,
e.g. "type cd0:foo/readme.txt".
Author: Frank Munkert
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/AmiCDROM/
Mine Clone 1.1 Another clone of Minesweeper-style games
I've tried to make it looking like the IBM Minesweeper, but includes
some features the Original is missing. (sizeable window, changeable size
of minefields) And another difference: it needs Kick 3.0. I wanted
it running on the workbench screen but with nice colors. But palette
sharing is only available under Kick 3.0.
Here's a list about MineClones's features:
- sizeable window
- variable size of fields
- nice GUI and colors (and a nice smiley :-)
- flashing fields
- choose bombs by number or percentage
- Saveclick-option, Automark-option
- global Automark-function, clearing all the trivial cases
- needs Kick 3.0 and reqtools.library
- written in E
Author: Nico Max
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/MineClone/
Schiffeversenken 1.0 Find and sink your opponents ships
A little game with 3 degrees of difficulty. The object is a battle of
ships. You have to find and sink the ships of your opponent before
he finds yours.
Author: Andreas Zottmann and Felix Eichhorn
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/Schiffeversenken/
AGWriter 1.03 Produce AmigaGuide files from text files
This program is capable of taking text files produced using any text
editor and with little effort producing an AmigaGuide File.
AGW has the following features :
╚ Allows Creation of AmigaGuide Files simply and easily
╚ Reads/Writes AmigaGuide files
╚ Converts AmigaGuide files to Text
╚ Simple GUI interface
╚ Create/Delete/Modify LINK/ALINK/RX/RXS/SYSTEM commands
╚ Modify Node information
╚ Modify File information
New Loading of files now more stable.
Added QUIT command.
AmigaGuide commands commented out now ignored (ie \).
Textual commands now read/write.
Added Cmd line parameter -w to put AGW on current Public Screen.
Split menu command now calls split command :-)
Unknown AmigaGuide commands are kept.
Author: David McPaul
Path: AmigaLibDisk1006:Programs/AGWriter/
ReqChange 3.4 Makes system use Reqtools requesters
ReqChange is a program that patches Intuition, ASL, ARP and REQ to use
the ReqTools requesters instead. It also adds a couple of extra features,
like an AssignWedge, the possibility to send ARexx-commands when a patched
requester appears, and several options to configure how the patches should
Author: Magnus Holmgren
Path: AmigaLibDisk1006:Programs/ReqChange/
SystemGuide 1.0 Guide to Amiga software system files.
A comprehensive reference guide to Amiga software system files.
Author: Dan Elgaard
Path: AmigaLibDisk1006:Programs/SystemGuide/
AIBB 6.5 GUI-based CPU performance tester
AIBB is a system performance analysis tool designed with built-in tests
for exercising CPU, FPU, and graphics portions of system performance.
Comparisons to 4 different machines can be displayed, with a default of
the A600, A1200, A3000/25, and A4000/040 contained within AIBB.
The option to create and/or load data files from other systems for
comparison is also included within the program.
Author: LaMonte Koop
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/AIBB/
TAUI ?.? A Magic User Interface for your lharc.
TAUI is a short program that gives you
a Magic User Interface for your lharc.
TAUI uses MUI (the Magic User Interface),
(c) Stefan Stuntz.
(Though, Stefan, could you tell me why
to install the 2.0 includes to get
the program run under MUI 2.0 ???)
It should work with your lharc, though I
have just tried lha yet. Every archives
action is configured thru Tooltypes, so
you can use any lharc.
Author: Jƒrgen Schober
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/TAUI/
UOut 1.1 Joins and decodes split uuencoded files.
It will take the separate files, join them together (stripping
out all non-uucode data in the process), call your uudecode
program on the resulting file, and then delete the uucode files.
Author: Roland Acton
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/UOut/
UUCode 36.9 Optimized stand-alone uuencode/uudecode.
Encode files for network transmission and decode transferred files. This
standard encoding algorithm converts three 8-Bit groups (bytes) to four
6-Bit groups (sextets) of printable characters, which can then be sent over
networks which don't support eight data bits.
These tools were written because the existing programs did not fit my
personal needs. The others were either inconvenient to use, too slow or too
oversized, so I decided to write optimized versions myself. Both tools are
pure and can be made resident.
Author: Ralph Seichter
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/UUCode/
uuInOut 1.03 A pair of very rapid uuencode/decoders.
A pair of very rapid uuencode/decoders. They beat anything currently
available on aminet by a good margin, especially on decoding. Very fast,
pure, small and 100% assembly. Automatically detects and takes advantage
of 68020+. Requires Workbench 2.04+.
Author: Nicolas Dade
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/uuInOut/
UUxT 3.0b CLI/GUI-based UUEncoder/UUDecoder
UUxT is a full featured UUencode/decoder with the following features:
o File splitting when encoding for easy mailing/posting.
o Batch decoding. (You can decode many files at once, as well as
split files without joining them. UUxT also has wildcard support.)
o Batch encoding. You can encode multiple files into one text file.
o Automatically skips over mail headers and other junk that can end
up inencoded files.
o Ability to LhA compress files for you, and then uuencode the
resulting compressed file, all in one step, thus saving you time.
You can also decode and de-LhA in one step.
UUxT also comes with UUxT-GUI 2.0, a full featured workbench interface for
UUxT. UUxT-GUI 2.0 now supports all of UUxT 3.0's features including
batch encoding, decoding, etc.
Author: Asher Feldman
Path: AmigaLibDisk1007:Programs/UUxT/
Balder'sGrove 1.2 Yet another Boulderdash clone
This is yet another Boulderdash clone but this time it is inspired by the
Nordic mythology. Your task is to guide Balder - the god of light -
through groves filled with berserks and snakes. Collect rings, push
runestones and try to find the small passage to the next level.
This time you don't have to play alone. Get a helping hand from a friend
and I assure you the game will be easier as well as funnier.
The game comes with 40 levels and a level editor. Unfortunately the
levels are almost identical with those included in previous releases. The
only exception is that you can use them all in two player mode. If you
have made some own levels with the old level editor you can still use them
with this new game package in one player mode. To be able to use them
with two players you will have to load them into the level editor, place
entrances and exits for player two, and save them.
I hope you will have a good time!
Author: Morgan Antonsson
Path: AmigaLibDisk1008:Programs/Balder'sGrove/
DviHP 2.1 Print DVI files on HP-LJ (PCL5 support)
DviHP is a program for printing DVI files (generated by TeX) on HP
LaserJet and compatibiles printers.
o DviHP downloads fonts to printer; printing is therefore much
faster, especially when printing large documents. Version 2.1 uses
PCL5 font compression.
o User friendlyness: you can set parameters through environmental
variable "DVIHPOPTS", in a command-line when invoking it from CLI
or Shell, via ToolTypes when invoking it from Workbench or via
graphical user interface.
o It supports printing in landscape orientation.
o DviHP allows you to include IFF ILBM files (raster pictures) and
PostScript files in your documents.
o DviHP lets you redirect output to a file, even when you're printing
IFF ILBM pictures and/or PostScript files.
o PCL5/PJL support and PCL5 font compression.
Author: Ales Pecnik
Path: AmigaLibDisk1008:Programs/DviHP/
MemMinister 1.1 monitors your memory-usage
MemMinister is a small tool, giving you information about the amount of free
memory at your system. It shows you independant values for chipmemory and
fastmemory, and of course even the total amount of free memory. MemMinister also
offers features like a snap-funktion, monitoring the memory-usage since the time
you snapped the values, and a flush-gadget, offering you an easy way to flush
your memory from all currently not used libraries, fonts, devices and more. It
is small, simple to use and very CPU-economical!
Author: Marcus Ohlstrom
Path: AmigaLibDisk1008:Programs/MemMinister/
WipeOut! 1.3 The Ultimate non-commercial shoot'em up
Well, Wipe-Out! is the first game I've ever got finished. That
statement of course exludes numerous lame examples done by me
with programs like "Game Maker" or "S.E.U.C.K" during the past
10 years (on both Amiga and C=64, the only TRUE computers ever).
Wipe-Out! is of course 100% optimized METAL BANGING assembly.
(AMOS is for lamers ... C is too slow (and messy) ... )
My aim with this project was mainly to prove my capabilities
as a game graphics artist. (Check out the Giger-inspired 4th
level ... )
Author: Tero Lehtonen
Path: AmigaLibDisk1008:Programs/WipeOut/
ADDRESSMANAGER for MUI 1.0 Utility to manage name/address info
AddressManager is an utillity which makes it easier for you to master
all the information you have about your friends, familly, business
partners or pets. AddressManager for MUI is different from most other
similar programs, because it uses Stefan Stuntz`s Magic User Interface.
This great user interface gives you the possibilty to configure you
application as you like it.
Path: AmigaLibDisk1009:Programs/AM_Mui1.0/
db 2.3 Database with GadTool look
db is a small and fast database program that I wrote after having tested
numerous other PD database programs and always found something lacking or
irritating me. They might have dozzens of features not found in db, but
they lacked font sensitivity and a standard GUI look and OS 3.0 behaviour.
My main need was to keep record on addresses and telephone numbers of friends
and companies. Before this release db was fixed to be just an address and
telephone database, but this has changed now. The program is designed
to handle information of your choice. Currently you have to use a file
editor to specify the database fields and layout as there is no GUI for that.
Anyway that's a one time job, then you just USE the database and have fun.
Complete GUI support will probably only be included in a commercial product
I plan to call REG.
A partial list of db's features include:
o Dynamic memory handling. Number of records and fields only limited by
free memory.
o GadTool based, gives a standard look and feel.
o Mouse and keyboard driven.
o User definable fields and layout.
o Multiple views of the same database.
o Commodore's Clipboard for flexible interaction with other programs.
o AppWindow -just drag and drop database icons on db to load.
o Online MenuHelp -Press HELP key when selecting a menu item.
o Font sensitivity.
o ARexx
o ASL requesters for flexible loads and saves.
o Localized
o Dial numbers using a modem
o WB and Shell usage with Commodore's template parsing
o Fast and flexible find function using AmigaDOS patterns.
o Filter function.
o Fast and flexible sort function. Multiple sort orders can be specified.
o 'Export View' and two standard ASCII export features.
o Automatic ASCII import (tab-separated ASCII)
Author: David Ekholm, Datadosen
Path: AmigaLibDisk1009:Programs/db/
MousoMeter 3.12 Measures mouse movement
MousoMeter is a cute little commodity that measures the distance (km)
you "drive" with your Mouse. Counters for daily and total usage. Using
the time MousoMeter has been active, it can also calculate your average
"mouse-speed" in meters/hr. (However, don't let your boss see this!)
MousoMeter also records the number of "Mouse-Clicks". With a
sophisticated program like MousoMeter, it should be easy to get
a government grant to scientifically study Carpal-Tunnel!!
Author: Wolfgang Breyha, Michael Matzl
Path: AmigaLibDisk1009:Programs/MUIMousoMeter/
RemindMe 1.0 Events reminder
A simple events reminder. Reads the events from a file and checks if the
user should be notified. Weekly, monthly, yearly and unique events are
Author: Marcus J. Stratmann
Path: AmigaLibDisk1009:Programs/RemindMe/
IFFMaster 1.3 Show IFF structure & chunk contents
IFF Master is a program that allows you to have a view inside the structure
of IFF files. It is not yet another picture viewer or sound sample player,
but it displays the internal entities (chunks) of a file. For example, the
headers of pictures (ILBM) or sound samples (8SVX) are displayed in clear,
so you can directly read the size and depth of the image or the sampling rate.
Current features (V 1.3) include:
- MUI application
- localized GUI (with AmigaOS 2.1 or later)
- Extensive chunk type library (currently 37 form types, 234 known chunks,
60 of these with comprehensive structure description)
- Chunk contents are presented alternatively as structure, text or hexdump
- Bit fields and enumeration types are displayed in clear
- Fixed point values are printed in decimal (e.g. 8SVX.VHDR.Volume)
- Callback hooks for special attributes, e.g. the Mode-ID
inside the CAMG chunk is de-referenced (e.g. "PAL: Hires").
- clipboard support
- chunk contents and partial FORMs can be saved
- AppWindow and AppIcon
Features new for V 1.3:
BUG prefs window: close gadget now functioning
BUG Cycle chain (TAB) now works in all windows
NEW new chunk types: IAND, IANM, DR2D, RGB8, RGBN, SPLT
NEW hex numbers get a user-chosen indicator, construction of hex dumps is
now more than 3 times faster
NEW IFFs can be saved, even nested FORMs, e.g. images inside animations
NEW Implemented some editing capabilities (delete chunks)
NEW Preferences can be saved
Author: Kay Drangmeister
Path: AmigaLibDisk1010:Programs/IFFMaster/
IntuiDex 1.1 Mailing list manager
Easy to use club membership database and mailing list manager.
- 1000 records per database
- Sort by six different fields:
last name, first name, ZIP,
member number, city, and
expiration date
- Print five different types of output:
mailing labels, complete data list,
phone lists, game stickers, and
merge files for word processors
- Uses Preferences printers
- Dials phone automatically with Hayes compatible modems
- On-line AmigaGuide help
- Most data field names are configurable
- Data is stored in ASCII files- export and import data from other
database software!
Author: Jeffery C. May
Path: AmigaLibDisk1010:Programs/IntuiDex/
OpaqueMove 1.0 An Opaque Window Movement Commodity
OpaqueMove is a commodity that provides opaque window movement for Intuition
windows. That is, instead of simply moving the outline of a window, the
entire window contents are moved as you move the mouse. The EGS window
system provides this capability, but does not extend it to standard Intuition
screens. Hence this commodity.
This commodity is intended for use with accelerated graphics cards such as
the @{i}GVP Spectrum. @{ui} Although it is possible to use it with standard
Amiga AGA screens, it is likely to be impractically slow except possibly in
single bitplane modes. However, there are various controls which allow
selection of the conditions under which windows should be moved opaquely, and
under which they should be moved as an outline.
Author: Steve Koren
Path: AmigaLibDisk1010:Programs/OpaqueMove/
ReNum 2.1 Changes the names of sequences of files
ReNum is a utility that changes the names of sequences of files. ReNum
is aimed at helping animators that wishes to transfer files, say from
Real3d to DPaint. Real3d calls IFF-files generated as an anim something
like this: Pic0, Pic1, ... (from now on called "Dynamic format"), while
DPaint wants multiple IFF-files to build an animation, to be in alpha-
betical order, often meaning you have to rename your pictures to Pic000,
Pic001, and so on ("Fixed format"). This can be very tedious, especially
if you have a hundred or more pictures. No more of that, because that's
exactly what ReNum does! ReNum can also convert files from Fixed to
ReNum is also capable of changing the names (and not the framenumbers)
or the numbering of a sequence.
Author: Emil üstrÜm
Path: AmigaLibDisk1010:Programs/ReNum/
RO 0.81 A MUI-Based FileManager
RO is a new Intuition-controlled, fully user-configurable file manager for
OS 2.04 and newer. RO's mighty features will assist and help you on your
daily work with your Amiga. With RO there is no need to learn those
cryptic shell commands, because you have the complete power of your Amiga
in one hand.
Due to the usage of MUI you are able to configure the look and feel of this
tool as you like it. MUI is the Magic User Interface developed by Stefan
Stuntz which should be installed on every Amiga. It is an object oriented
system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces. Users of MUI
based applications have the ability to customize nearly every pixel of a
programs interface according to their personal taste.
Author: Oliver Rummeyer
Path: AmigaLibDisk1010:Programs/RO/
Anim3D 1.4 Plays anims written in special language
Anim3D is my first Amiga program longer than a few dozen lines of code and
was mainly to teach myself how to program a 'real' application for the Amiga.
Basically it plays vector movies that are written in a special programming
language that I designed.
The original idea was:
"Wouldn't it be neat if vector demos could be created and played using a
standard program, use the screenmode that you wanted, were smoother on
faster machines and multitasked properly?"
After all, we can't impress PC users from fast animation 'cos they have
faster processors, but we can beat them by making something totally
impossible through Windows ;-)
Anim3D is a real-time vector movie player for Workbench 3 machines. It has
three main features which I think most Amiga software (and demos) should
have nowadays:
1) It is extremely friendly to the OS and multitasks properly; I've
played animations whilst downloading files on the modem and been
playing a tracker module so I think I can safely say this :-)
2) Animations are played at the SAME speed whatever the machine is...
slower machines just have a lower frame update rate. This works fine
because the display is double-buffered (as you'd expect) so there are
no half drawn screens to be seen.
3) It can use any of the display modes available on the machine;
the same image is displayed on the screen whatever the resolution.
This allows those lucky A4000/040 owners to display anims in mega hi-res
while running at the same frame rate that an A1200 might run in lo-res.
It also makes use of a special dithering method that I worked out which
gives the appearance of more shades of each colour without slowing screen
rendering down. This does however require more chip memory than normal.
I have designed a language for creating these animations and some simple
demo anims have been included to give you an idea of what it can do. Take a
look at the animation files by all means (they are only ASCII text), but I
wouldn't try writing your own without any documentation!
Author: Michael George
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/Anim3D/
BluffTitler 1.0 A Realtime 3D Titling System
BluffTitler is Realtime 3D Titling program. It allows you to animate 3D
texts in all sorts of 3D effects using a simple graphical user interface.
You no longer have to use difficult,expensive and slow 3D rendering software
to make those stunning 3D leaders. All you need is BluffTitler !!
And because BluffTitler works in realtime, you can immediately start
recording your leader to video . No more heavy disk operations, memory
problems and single frame recorders : simply start BluffTitler and press
the record button on your video !
Since computer power is limited you can't expect broadcast quality from a
realtime titler, but the result is perfectly suitable for
-home video's
-semi-professional productions
-cable networks
-computer presentations
Author: Michiel den Outer
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/BluffTitler/
DepackIFF 1.7 Depacks file packed by ByteRun algorithm
This program lets you depack any IFF ILBM file with BODY chunk
crunched by standard ByteRun algorithm which is always used by all
Amiga graphics programs (like DPaint, Brilliance, ADPro, Real) while
saving image, brushes and so on. I decided to code this, because
ByteRun is not so effective as XPK, LhA (but not always!). If you
want to repack images, you will reach the best results only when you
pack pure image data, and this is why this program was born and
should be useful for all the people wanting save own disk space, eg. BBS
SYSOPs (more images and less bytes!).
Author: Marcin Orlowski
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/DepackIFF/
HyperANSI 1.08 ANSI character & graphics editor
HyperANSI is a program which allows you to easily create ANSI
graphics with minimum effort.
NOTE: Unlike previous releases of HyperANSI, this version has
no "crippled" features, and no longer displays that
annoying delay screen.
Author: Mike D. Nelson
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/HyperANSI/
LastAlert2 2.1 Will show the last alert or guru
Are you tired of always having troubles with finding your pen and paper just
to write down the last guru you got. Now this problem is solved because I
have written a small and quick program that will show the last alert or guru
there have been. If you don't get the point of what this program can be used
to then try to read the rest of this user manual.
Author: J┐rgen Da Larsen
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/LastAlert2/
PicMerge 2.1 Merges two same-sized BitMaps
This little program merges two same-sized BitMaps by using logical
operators. All Amiga-Viewmodes are available, except of the HAM-
and 8HAM-Mode. That means, you can work with pictures with up to
256 colors.
The idea for this program was born as I was in trouble. How can I
merge two animations (one on the left, one on the right) in one?
So I done a simple hack to 'OR' the BitMaps. After adding a little
GUI-Interface I decided to make PicMerge public.
Author: Frank Dƒber
Path: AmigaLibDisk1011:Programs/PicMerge/
FileX 2.0 Very nice binary file editor
FileX is a binary file editor which offers the following features:
- Several files can be modified in several windows and/or views at
the same time.
- The edit windows can be opened on any public screen and sized to
any dimension you want.
- Small calculator
- Clipboard converter
- Fontsensitivity
- Locale support if you have OS 2.1 or higher. (English, Finnish,
French, German, Swedish (Dutch, Norwegian (not yet included)))
- Undo and Redo (only limited to your free memory)
- Search and replace with history
- Extensive blockfunctions
- ARexxport with 77 commands and asynchronical command shell
- Printing as hexdump
- `Grab memory' to show and modify memory
- AppWindow. If FileX runs on the workbench, icons can be moved onto
the FileX window and the related file will be loaded automatically.
- Iconify
- Moreover, FileX will be developed further permanently...
Author: Klaas Hermanns
Path: AmigaLibDisk1012:Programs/FileX/
PPrefs 2.0 Screenmode promotion utility
PPrefs is a screenmode promotion utiltity which allows you to promote every
available screenmode of your system (including HAM and EHB modes) to
another mode. You simply select a source and a destination mode and every
program that wants to open a screen with the source mode, instead will open
a screen with the destination mode. If you want that some very special
programs get their very special screenmode or don't get promoted at all,
besides that "mode to mode" promotion, PPrefs supports task/screen specific
promotion, as well..address
Author: Olaf Gschweng
Path: AmigaLibDisk1012:Programs/PPrefs/
Spot 1.3 A FidoNet tosser/editor for points.
Spot is a FidoNet tosser/editor for points. It features a userfriendly
font-sensitive GadTools interface that is fully localized. Spot uses a custom
message base format for fast importing and exporting. Some of Spot's main
features:t Supports new 3.0 features (newlook menus, memory pools,...) --
Automatically creates new areas for you, no tedious work -- Optional (fully
transparent) message base crunching -- Message list with powerful functions
(e.g. search body text) -- Excellent support for multiple character sets
(LATIN-1, IBM,...) -- Built-in, fully asynchronous, Fido file request --
Multi-bossing and multi-domain capable -- Userlist editor -- powerful twitlist
-- ARexx port (100+ commands).
Author: Nico Francois
Path: AmigaLibDisk1013:Programs/Spot/
AntiCicloVir 2.3a Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim
A link virus detector and exterminator. Also detects other types of
viri. This version recognizes: 188 Bootblock, 28 File, 15 Link,
7 Disk-Validator, 11 Trojans, and 17 Bombs. Automatically checks each
inserted disk for boot block and disk-validator viruses. Can scan all
files of a specified directory for known link viruses, and constantly
monitors memory and system vectors. Now public domain and includes
source in assembler.
Author: Matthias Gutt
Path: AmigaLibDisk1014:Programs/AntiCicloVir/
LockColors 1.1a Complete control over Workbench Palette
LockColors uses the OS3.0+ specific ObtainPen() to give you
complete control over your WorkBench palette. Now you can have
correct colors for all your MagicWb-icons independently of your
screendepth. Tested with Enforcer/Mungwall.
NOTE: Your WorkBench must be deeper than 8 colors to use LockColors,
because on screens <=8 colors all the pens are locked by the
system (and all the pens can be altered with the system palette
editor, so LockColors really has no practical use on those screens)
- Version 1.1a fixes an annoying problem when LockColors
has to use its TimeOut feature. After this, all pens
locked by LockColors seemed to be systemlocked.
- LockColors no longer blocks your Workbench from closing.
- Fixed some bugs and added some requested features.
Author: Torgeir Hovden
Path: AmigaLibDisk1014:Programs/LockColors/
VT 2.68 A comprehensive virus utility package.
A very good virus checker, however all the documentation is in
Author: Heiner Schneegold
Path: AmigaLibDisk1014:Programs/VT/
WBPrint 1.03 Prints text on WB screens title bar
This program lets you print any text (like DOS command ECHO)
on Workbench screen's title bar. WB screen will be fronted
automagically. You can also turn screen flash on. Note: there is
only one screen line for your text, therefore there are no special
chars (like *n) supported (maximal number of letters in on the WB's!
title bar depends on current WB font widch (check the proportional
Author: Marcin Orlowski
Path: AmigaLibDisk1014:Programs/WBPrint/
CXHandler 2.9 CXHandler is an Exchange clone
CXHandler is an Exchange clone.
The program is controlable via keys and is font sensitiv.
Author: Martin Stengle
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/CXHandler/
Event 1.14 Tool to remember everything you want.
With this software you have a good tool to remember everything you want.
* requiers only 12 kB memory
* the event½s are storend in a data file
* multitasking friendly
* "gliding" event½s
* loading only the Event½s from the current day
Author: Klaus Muckenhuber
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/Event/
ScreenTool 1.04 Switch between screens using hotkeys.
On the MS-DOS½en you have the keyboard shortcut CTRL-TAB to cycle
between the applications, and the CTRL-ESC shortcut to view all
running applications in a requester.
With ScreenTool you have the MS-Windows CTRL-ESC function on your
Amiga. You get a requester with all available screens - so you have a
tool to handle comfortable all open screens.
ScreenTool is not a Commodity, because it is very small - and so it is
fast enough by starting from the disk. By activating with FKey you
can start a lot of tools with the keyboard, without using any
additional RAM.
So ScreenTool will save your CPU and RAM!
Author: Klaus Muckenhuber
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/ScreenTool/
SerLog 1.3 Debugging device to monitor serial-IO
serlog.device passes all IOExtSer requests to a "real" serial.device
and writes the results to a file. You may configure the amount of
information to be stored in the log. The log-file created by
serlog.device contains a binary dump which can be formatted
(i.e. transferred into a readable version) using the supplied
Note that serlog.device uses *significant* overhead over the underlying
serial.device, resulting in very low baud-rates.
Author: Stefan PrÜls
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/SerLog/
SnoopDos 3.0 System and application monitor
SnoopDos is a utility that allows you to monitor a variety of system
operations carried out by programs on your Amiga. This includes what
files a program is trying to open, what fonts, libraries, devices and
environment variables it is looking for, and so on.
This is very useful if you are trying to figure out why a certain
application won't work properly. Usually, it's because the application
can't find a certain configuration file, library or device.
This version has many new features not present in version 1.7. Among
the most important are a full GUI, support for many new functions,
support for monitoring programs compiled with GNU C, and a packet
debugger for programmers.
Author: Eddy Carroll
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/SnoopDos/
StarBlank 3.1 Screen blanker shows moving stars
Screen blanker commodity that shows a moving
star field. Features user definable timeout,
hot keys, and an insty-blank hot key. Based
upon Leo Schwab's "stars" screen hack.
Author: Brian Neal
Path: AmigaLibDisk1015:Programs/StarBlank/
BarflyDemo 1.10 Very powerful Debugger and Assembler.
Very powerful Intuition controlled Source Level Debugger and an
optimizing Assembler. The Debugger allows the parallel debugging
of several tasks in unlimited windows. Has different windows for
ASM/Copper-Disassembler, Memory, Source, Breakpoints, Watchpoints,
Checksums and a lot other functions. It supports SAS-C and GCC
Sourcelevel Debugging and allows dynamic include structure support.
Supports 68000-68040/6888x. The Assembler has multi-pass optimizing,
precompiled includes, include/incbin cache, highlevel macros, smalldata
and advanced hunk support. Supports 68000-68060/6888x.
Author: Ralph Schmidt
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/BarflyDemo/
CacheFont 1.1 Vastly increase speed of font requsters
CacheFont is a small patch that will dramatically increase the speed of
font requesters. It cuts the access time of a font requester containing
about 100 fonts from 14 seconds (without CacheFont) to half a second (with
It has been tested extensively on many utilities and many computers
without any problems.
Version 1.1 fixes a bug with Tagged Font Lists. It should now work with
most (if not *all*) software.
Author: Adam Dawes
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/CacheFont/
RevUp 1.2 Amiga Revision Update System
o RevUp generates and maintains include and header files with revision
o RevUp is 100% compatible to the CBM developer tool BumpRev, but offers a
lot of new features.
o Multiple dependency files are supported.
o Beta count management for beta versions included.
Author: Boris Folgmann
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/RevUp/
StackMon 1.3 Monitors stack usage of programs
When run StackMon presents a list of all the tasks and processes currently
running. The list is sorted alphabetically, with processes before tasks.
This list is not updated automatically, as constructing this list requires
suspension of multitasking. If you run a program you want to monitor after
starting StackMon, click on the 'Update list' gadget so that it appears in
the list.
If the program you want to monitor was run from the Workbench, its name will
be that of the icon; if run from the shell the name is the exact name typed
into the shell, with path.
Click on the program you wish to monitor and StackMon will begin monitoring.
The display consists of numbers and a fuel gauge showing the current stack
use relative to the size of the stack. The numbers are:
Current: This is the amount of stack in use when the program was last
Largest: The largest recorded stack ever in use by this program.
Stack : The stack allocated for this program.
Author: David Kinder
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/StackMon/
StatRam 3.1 Very fast recoverable ram drive
StatRam is a recoverable ram drive.
It works on any Amiga using V2.04 or greater of the OS. It handles any
filesystem (either Amiga or foreign, like e.g. CrossDOS(tm)), has ten
units and may be layed out like a floppy disk for quick diskcopies.
It is dynamic, that is it allocates and frees memory as files are copied
and deleted, and is probably the most recoverable ram drive available.
Even the worst system crash will not erase it, as long as the portion
of memory where it resides is not corrupted.
New for V3.1 :
- Now works with ProfFileSystem
- Now works with .ZOM disk images
- Fixed the pyrotechnic crash that could occur mounting second and
subsequent volumes
Author: Richard Waspe
Nicola Salmoria
Based on code originally by Perry S. Kivolowitz.
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/StatRam/
StdErr 3.0 A Standard Error Port for Amiga E
StdErr.m provides Amiga E users with an easy-to-use standard
error port for their Amiga E programs. The module is fairly
intelligent, handling things with a kind of grace and ease
anyone could hope for. You almost cannot foul the use of
this program module up (almost).
Author: Trey Van Riper
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/StdErr/
UnDel 1.0 File Undeleting Utility
AmigaDos and its filesystem have been released some years ago. During
this long period, CBM didn't release any kind of tool which would be able
to check and repair disks and recover deleted files. There are many third-party
utilities capable of doing such a job, but they are usually terribly slow and
they don't support all standard filesystems. I have been so annoyed with this
situation that I decided to try to write a good unerasing tool. UnDel is the
result of this work.
- Supports any standard filesystem - OFS / FFS + DirCache / INTL mode
- Very fast (only free blocks are scanned, written in assembly etc.)
- Special option for systems with small amount of memory
- Nice user interface in shell window ;-)
- Recovered files are copied to another device
- Protection bits and file note are also recovered
- UNDEL is pure and can be made resident
Author: Martin Mares
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/UnDel/
RAKE 1.1 XPK packer sublibrary
RAKE is an XPK packer sublibrary which implements a highly optimized
form of the popular LZ77 compression algorithm. It uses static huffman
coding for the 'len' and a three-step coding for the 'offset'
information. The major feature of this packer is the highly optimized
algorithm for tracking down redundant data.
Author: Karsten DagefÜrde
Path: AmigaLibDisk1016:Programs/xpkRAKE/
MartinSoft Pengo ?.? Demo Game based on old Pengo game.
Pengo is a maze-game. The maze is made up of blocks of ice, which you can
push or melt. Blocks are melted by pushing a block that has another block
directly in front of it. If that sounds confusing (and it probably does),
play the game, and you'll understand what I meant.
The ice blocks that form the "border" around the maze can't be pushed or
Also, on some levels there are special gold blocks, which can't be moved.
On each level there are four enemies.
If an enemy catches you, you lose one life. Your weapon against the enemies
is the ice blocks; push an ice block onto an enemy, and the enemy will be
squashed (but it will re-appear after a while). If the level layout
makes it possible, try to "trap" the enemies into small spaces; that will
make it a piece of cake to squash them. Generally, trying to limit the ways
that the enemies can take (by pushing blocks to the right places) is a good
tactic. Learning the different movement patterns for the enemies is also
essential; the yellow ones are pretty easy to outsmart without understanding
how they move, but the red ones are professional escape artists, and
almost impossible to hit if you don't understand their "AI".
If you spend too much time on one level, a ghost will appear and start to
home in on you. The ghost can't be killed - but it will disappear as soon
as you get to the next level. If it catches you, you will lose one life, and
it will disappear for a while (the ghost, not the life :) ).
If it catches you while you're "invisible" to the enemies, it will simply
remove the invisibility and disappear - but it will re-appear very quickly.
The aim of the game is to defeat the evil Sarvebuk who awaits you on level
64. So the big question is: how do you get to the next level?
Getting to the next level can be achieved by either:
1. Squashing all enemies on the level with ice blocks.
2. Pushing the three ruby blocks together so that they form a horizontal or
vertical line.
3. Getting a warp bonus of some sort.
Method nr 1 is recommended, as it's the most fun.
Squashing many enemies with one block will give more score than squashing
them one by one.
There are also lots of bonuses and bonus systems in the game, but I won't
reveal them here (which would spoil the surprise). Find out about them
Author: Martin Rebas
Path: AmigaLibDisk1017:Programs/MSoft-Pengo/
Multiplot XLN-S 1.01 Intuitive data plotting program
Multiplot XLN is a fully intuitive data plotting program. It plots
data points as (x,y) co-ordinates with or without x or y error
bars. It can plot an unlimited number of sets with any number of data
points using colour, line type, line weight, point shape and point
size to represent the different sets. A set may be joined by a line or
plotted as discrete points. Data may be impulse plotted, scatter
plotted, or shown as a histogram or step graph. Additions to the data
may be made in the form of lines of best fit (logarithmic,
exponential, linear and polynomial) and data smoothing utilising
modified open b-splines or averaging filtration.
The input file for Multiplot is a simple textfile and my be created
in any ASCII text editor or saved from any spreadsheet. Multiplot
supports the clipboard, and data input may be achieved solely through
it. Multiplot has a full ARexx interface which provides potential for
a wide variety of data manipulations including statistical analysis.
Output may be in any of the following formats: IntroCAD, Draw, mCAD,
IFF, Revised Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL/2), Encapsulated
Postscript (EPSF) or Postscript. The graph can be printed to any
workbench printer by transparent use of the PLT: device. Multiplot
directly supports the HP LaserJet III and Postscript laser printers
such as the Apple Laser printer.
Author: Alan G Baxter
Path: AmigaLibDisk1018:Programs/Multiplot/
AXDiff 1.0 Graphical comparison & merge utility
AXDiff is a graphical file comparison and merge utility. It allows
you to see files side by side with differences between the files
highlighted. You may move within the files looking at the differences
within context of the rest of the file. A merged file can be created
which contains the lines which do not differ between files along with
user-selected lines from the sections which differ. You can select
either no part, either part, or both parts of the sections which
differ to be written to the merged file. Selectable fonts, sizes, and
other options too.
Author: Jim Lawrie
Path: AmigaLibDisk1019:Programs/AXDiff/
Designer 1.50 GUI Creator for C & HSPascal, V1.42
The Designer is a tool which makes programming intuition interfaces far
easier. It allows you to create Windows and Menus which can then be turned
into source code by the Producers. At present there are two producers,
the CProducer and the PasProducer, more producers may become available in
the future. The Designer supports the importing of images which can then
be used in windows or menus as well as being placed in the produced source
code for your use. Menus are created using the GadTools library and
support V38+ features, text and image items are allowed, keyboard shortcuts
and mutual exclusion are supported along with all standard flags,
localization of menus is easily added. Menus are all NewLook menus in
V38+. Windows are the main part of the Designer. You can create all
standard GadTools Gadgets and intuition Boolean Gadgets with all standard
options. Text and Images can also be placed on the window as you choose.
Extensive options are available to edit the code produced which should cover
most eventualities, almost all tags for windows and gadgets are supported
including many V38+ tags. The Designer can produce IDCMP handling routines
for windows and menus and can create a main file which in many cases will
allow the production of an entire program, the programmer just has to fill
in the gaps. In V1.4 GadToolsBox files can now be imported to allow
enhancement of your previous creations. Full locale support is now
included to make programming in multiple languages as easy as possible.
Registered users can upgrade to the latest version by using the latest demo
version. Extensive on line help is available using amigaguide.library,
this must be available for this feature.
Author: Ian OConnor
Path: AmigaLibDisk1019:Programs/DesignerDemo/
SerMouse 2.0 Driver/Docs for serial PC Mouse on Amiga
A full package on how to use a PC mouse on the Amiga. Not only a
serial mouse driver but also how to rewire a 9-pin Sub-D serial to
25-pin Sub-D serial and how to rewire 9-pin Sub-D BUS or 9-pin Mini-Din
Author: Patrick van Beem
Path: AmigaLibDisk1019:Programs/SerMouse/
SMenu 1.0 Powerful and fast-working screenselector
SMenu is a screenselector with several nice features.
o It is a Commodity.
o It works fast, because the list of screens can be accessed with a
simple mouseclick or a hotkey.
o The configuration is done in a GUI.
o Full keyboard support.
o It is possible to define a hotkey for each screen.
o ARexx support.
Author: Jon Anders Haugum
Path: AmigaLibDisk1019:Programs/SMenu/
DFA 2.2 Address database with many features
DFA is the ultimate address tool for you and the Amiga
computer. DFA supports email addresses, dialing of phone
numbers, grouping of addresses, different types of printing
addresses, online help, application icon/window and much more!
DFA has an Arexx port, font sensitive windows and can be fully
directed by keyboard. Native languages are supported as soon
as Workbench 2.1 (and above) is installed.
Nearly every aspect of DFA is customizable now, so you may
configure "your own" DFA.
This is version 2.2, a minor upgrade to version 2.1.
DFA is an SASG product! Shareware, binary only.
New window for more convenient and faster group editing.
Clipboard support.
Visual feedback for all button gadgets.
Speed optimizations for the address listview.
Should be up to 10 times faster now!
Even faster address file loading.
Larger buffers for all address string gadgets.
New Arexx command 'GUI' and 'OpenEditWindow'
Size optimization of the dfa.library. About 15K saved!
Sort function is 'locale sensitive' now.
Improved locale handling.
Additional and improved status messages.
Improved status text gadget (DFAEditor) now supports
centered propotional text on all Amiga-OS versions.
Improved Installer script, which now supplies a new
uninstall mechanism and german texts (optional).
Several bug fixes.
Author: Dirk Federlein
Path: AmigaLibDisk1020:Programs/DFA/
Set_Icon ?.? AppIcon for mass icon manipulation
A WorkBench AppIcon with the following functions:
1. The program creates an appicon on to which you drop your icon,
if there isn't an existing .info file a new one will be created,
otherwise all the information from the old icon will be copied
to the new one (e.g tooltypes, stacksize and so on). You can do
more than one icon at a time using the shift drag method.
2. The program will copy the image from the first icon to all the
others, if any of the files do not have a .info file, one will
be created.
3. The program will copy the Tool Types and (Tool) from the first icon
to all the others, if any of the files do not have a .info file, one
will be created.
4. The program will remove the .info files of the selected files.
Author: Kev Crate
Path: AmigaLibDisk1020:Programs/Set_Icon/
AFile 3.30 A datafile manager
AFile is a data file manager, that is a tool which lets you create and
manager your files (addresses, video collections, clients, ...) using
an Intuition interface. There is no limitation to the number of fields
or records. The program offers the standard printing, sorting, and
importing/exporting functions. AFile uses AREXX as it's programming
language. You can create full input masks with background picture, field
positioning, checking of entered data, menus and printing customization.
Author: Denis Gounelle
Path: AmigaLibdisk1021:Programs/AFile/
CarCosts 3.06 Keep track of automobile expenses
This is version 3 of the program "AutoKosten", now called CarCosts.
This version uses MUI (2.1 and above) amd supports locale.library, if
available. Without locale.library, the interface uses german text.
Two english catalog files (one with kilometer/liter, one with
miles/gallons) and a french one as well as the .cd and .ct files are
A program to convert 2.0 data files to version 3 data files is included.
Version 3.01 is a bug fix, V3.0 wrote files in a format it could not read...
Version 3.02 allows more than one entry per date
Version 3.03 now supports the ARexx-port of MUI
Version 3.04 fixes a bug with printer support using non-asl.libraries.
Version 3.05 and 3.06 : minor user-interface changes
Author: Rƒdiger Dreier
Path: AmigaLibdisk1021:Programs/CarCosts/
FishButton 1.0 Popup menus to run FreshFish CDROM apps
ButtonMenu pop-up menus for launching ready-to-run (not archived)
applications on FreshFish CDROMs. Uses the BMX ButtonMenu Executor
program by Oliver Roberts to load ButtonMenu from disk. These can
be put into effective use by creating ToolManager exec items for
each CDROM Menu, then putting all these TM exec items into a TM dock
with a HotKey set for it. Then all the menus will be a HotKey-press
and a click away.
Author: Steve Edford \n
BMX by Oliver Roberts \n
WBRun by Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carrette
Path: AmigaLibdisk1021:Programs/FishButton/
Bulletins 2.11 STDIO door for BBS bulletins
This program will allow a SYSOP to add a multi-level
bulletin program to a BBS. It is a STDIO door and works
with any BBS which supports them. This door has been used
with the Citadel BBS as an autodoor and a regular door.
The Amiga Zone BBS (609)953-8159, the primary support BBS.
Author: Tony Preston
Path: AmigaLibdisk1022:Programs/Bull/
DataMasterDEMO ?.? Demo version of a Database program.
Data Master is a database program programmed for Amiga computers.
It's not the best database program for Amiga (the best ShareWare/
LicenseWare database program??), but it's cheap and specially made for
an average user.
In the program there are five different field types which are
string (text), integer, floating point, type (selection) and boolean
field types. In one record it can be up to 256 different fields and
the number of records is practically limited only by the size of the
free memory. Records can be sorted based on eight key fields.
You can search from the database those records which match the
search patterns given by the user (for example, all the records whose
first field's first letter is A). You can also search for text strings
from the whole database. Using Data Master it's possible to print the
database for printer or save it as an ASCII file to the disk. Number
fields can be displayed on the screen as graphic diagrams, and using
this function you can simply compare records. There is a separate
field editor for the creating of the fields. Records can be, of
course, moved, copied, deleted or cleared as a single record or as
a block which includes many records.
Author: Teemu Sipila
Path: AmigaLibdisk1022:Programs/DataMasterDEMO/
QuickFile 3.1 Simple and flexible, flat file database
QuickFile is simple and flexible, flat file database. It uses random access
with indexes for fast access to records. Files can be larger than available
ram, but as much of the file as possible is kept in ram to reduce disk
accesses. Features include:
- Multiple indexes with unique and non-unique keys
- Character, date, integer, floating point and calculation data types
- Up to 250 characters per field and 250 fields per record.
- Form and list style displays and reports.
- Unlimited number of views of each file.
- Sort over any number of keys, ascending and descending order.
- Search operators include Like, Equal, Between, Sounds Like, Not Like
and Not Equal.
- Fields can be added, changed, or deleted at any time.
- Flexible export/import
- Flexible multi column label printing.
- Multi-level grouping and totalling
- Any number of open windows
- Online context-sensitive help
Author: Alan Wigginton
Path: AmigaLibdisk1022:Programs/QuickFile/
ABank 1.02 Accounts bank management, many options.
A domestic bank account software. Can load simultaneously more than
ten accounts, automatically sorting the operations, possessing a notepad,
loads powerpacked files, makes graphical stats, printing with filter.
Interface look 2.0 for every kickstart.
Author: David Gaussinel & StÄphane Anquetil
Path: AmigaLibdisk1023:Programs/ABank/
TWC 3.26 Two Way Chat & Send; modem full duplexer
Two Way Chat & Send enables you to make use of your modem's full-duplex
feature in fact, it can save you up to 50% transmission time. With TWC you
can connect to another guy running TWC, then you may transmit file-AND
chat-data at the same time in both directions. GUI-driven, requires
Author: Lutz Vieweg
Path: AmigaLibdisk1023:Programs/TWC/
AmiQWK 2.7 QWKMail format offline message system
QWKMail format offline message system. Allows reading of
QWKMail format offline message packets popular with many
bulletin board systems (BBSes). Replies can be edited using
any text editor and packed for transfer at a later time.
AmiQWK has been tested with many QWKMail systems for IBM and
Amiga based BBSes.
Author: Jim Dawson
Path: AmigaLibdisk1024:Programs/AmiQWK/
SNMA 1.97 680x0/6888x amiga macro assembler
SNMA is freeware conditional 680x0/688x macro assembler for the Amiga. It
supports most common directives, generates Amiga object-files and/or
executables. It is used mainly from the shell. Arexx port.
AmigaOS 2.0+ only. AmigaGuide docs only. This is version 1.97.
New features: - LINE DEBUG HUNK (for source code debugging)
- Support for small data model references
- Multilevel optimizing
- Boolean operators
- Some new directives
- + bug fixes
Author: Samu Nuojua
Path: AmigaLibdisk1024:Programs/SNMA/
THOR 1.25 Offline QWK/HIPPO/ABBS/MBBS reader.
THOR is a offline message reader developed for saving online time while
connected to BBS systems, and for building and maintaining a database of
the messages from the boards. The message database has true history and
threading, fast searching, mark and keep options. Each board has a user
database with all users which has written messages. This user database can
be used when sending messages. There is an optional internal fullscreen
editor. The editor has all features needed for message editing. Both THOR
and the internal editor have ARexx ports. THOR is fully compliant to the
Style Guide with a resizeable, font-sensitive and configurable user
interface. Supports new 3.0 features (newlook menus, memory pools,
interleaved screens, 24 bit palette,....). Many useful utilities are
Author: Eivind Nordseth
Path: AmigaLibdisk1025:Programs/Thor/
Curses 2.10 Link lib of standard "curses" functions
A link library containing many of the terminal independant standard
"curses" functions. Designed primarily for those interested in porting
UNIX screen based programs to the Amiga. And examples.
Author: Simon John Raybould
Path: AmigaLibdisk1026:Programs/curses/
Mostra 2.0 IFF ILBM viewer with lots of options
Mostra 2.0 is a shareware IFF ILBM viewer featuring real-time unpacking
scroll, dozens of options, "smart" analysis of any IFF file (FORMs,
LISTs,... also nested ILBM!), total control over display modes, simple
slideshow processing, pattern matching, multipalette, double buffering,
fast decompression, color cycling, TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom
configurations and complete WB support.
Author: Sebastiano Vigna
Path: AmigaLibdisk1026:Programs/Mostra/
ARexxAppList 1994.10.11 List of 421 programs that support ARexx.
The ARexx Application List. A list (plain text) of approximately 421 Amiga
programs that support ARexx, with brief descriptions of their capabilities.
Updates are posted in the USENET newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.applications.
Author: Daniel J Barrett
Path: AmigaLibdisk1027:Programs/ARexxAppList/
PhxAss 4.00 Highly optimizing macro assembler
PhxAss V4.xx is a highly optimizing macro assembler for Motorola's 680x0
CPUs, 6888x FPUs and 68851 MMU (of course, the 030, 040 and 060 MMUs are
also supported). It requires OS2.04 (V37) as a minimum and does no longer
support older operating systems! (Kick 1.x owners: Get PhxAss V3.97)
Most important features:
o Fast: 15000-30000 lines per minute with standard Amigas, 50000-200000
with A4000/040.
o Symbolic and Source Level Debugging.
o Automatic generation of executables (if possible).
o Small Code and Small Data support (also support for __MERGED sections).
o Listing file, Cross Reference Listing, Equates file.
o Complete floating point support: You can use complex floating point
expressions, including float functions (sine, logarithm, square root,
power, etc.), everywhere in your source, e.g. defining float EQUates or
o Switches for nine different optimizations.
o Locale symbols (xxx$ and .xxx type).
o Support for Motorola's old and new operand style (even in 68000 mode).
o locale.library usage (english, german, polish).
o Nearly all directives of the most popular assemblers like Seka, DevPac or
AS (Aztec) are supported. Examples: INCBIN, INCDIR, CODE_C, REPT, RS,
o Further development and support is guaranteed for years, because I'll
*never* change my system (Amiga forever!).
o Finally: Although Shareware, PhxAss is completely functional!
You will find four different versions of PhxAss in this distribution:
1. PhxAss: The standard 680x0,FPU,MMU macro assembler.
2. SmallPhxAss: This is a 68000-only version without floating point support.
3. FreePhxAss: This program is FREEWARE! It is intended for developers of
PD-Compilers, who want to include PhxAss in their compiler package.
4. GigaPhxAss: Identical to PhxAss, but source codes are not limited to
65535 lines. Quite useful for assembling Reassembler outputs.
PhxAss is SHAREWARE. A registration will cost you 25 DM or 15$. In return
you will receive the latest update and the right to ask me for a new update
whenever you want.
Author: Frank Wille
Path: AmigaLibdisk1027:Programs/PhxAss/
PhxLnk 4.00 AmigaDOS module linker
PhxLnk supports all features of a standard Amiga-DOS linker (like BLink),
except of overlay hunks and automatic link vectors (ALV).
Implemented functions:
o Links object files and libraries (SAS/C extended libraries also)
o Sections may be forced to Chip-memory
o Small Code, Small Data
o SAS/C-Blink Small Data compatibility available
o '_MERGED' sections are recognized automatically (and coalesced like
Small Data sections)
o Symbolic and Source Level Debugging (PowerVisor compatibility included)
o Debug blocks are removed on request
o Deletes empty sections
o Zero bytes at the end of a section are deleted and appear in the
HUNK_HEADER block only
o User may define absolute external symbols
Author: Frank Wille
Path: AmigaLibdisk1027:Programs/PhxLnk/
CatEdit 1.2 A GUI catalog editor/translator
A GUI catalog editor/translator, allows you to translate localized
programs. You can also remove errors in the translation of a program
or even the Workbench. All you need to translate a program is a
catalog file in a language that you understand.
Author: Rafael D'Halleweyn
Path: AmigaLibdisk1028:Programs/CatEdit/
DiskMon 3.0 Disk monitor - for most block devices
DiskMonTools Version 3.0:
-DiskMonitor : Works with Floppys, HardDisks and RAM-Disks (RAD, SD0, ...)
-FileMonitor : hexadecimal/ascii File-Editor
-DiskOptimizer: Fast and reliable Disk-Optimizer, all FileSystems
(DOS\0 - DOS\5), optimized for DirectoryCache-FileSystems
-Undelete : Recovers deleted files
-Repair : Repairs read/write-errors (Floppy-Disks)
-MFM-Editor : Low-Level-Editor for Floppy-Disks
Includes both English and German documentation
Author: JÜrg Strohmayer
Path: AmigaLibdisk1028:Programs/DiskMon/
FetchRefs 1.1 AutoDoc/C-Asm-E include look-up tool.
FetchRefs is (yet another) utility to quickly look up stuff in AutoDocs
and include files. You run an ARexx script (typically assigned to a key)
from your editor when the cursor is at an unknown word. Then you get
another window with an AutoDoc or include file reference that describes
this word (if it IS described at all, of course).
With support for both AutoDocs and C, Assembler, and E include files
most programmers should not need feel overlooked. ARexx scripts are
provided for well known editors: AmokEd, CygnusEd, DME, GoldED, and
TurboText. Due to the ARexx interface, support for other editors is only
a new ARexx script away!
Other advantages include wild card support, optionally case insensitive
search, a powerful GUI driven index file generator, support for
"TagList", "Tags" and "A" postfixes to function names and a window with
a list of possibilities if you search for something that several
references match.
Author: Anders Melchiorsen
Path: AmigaLibdisk1028:Programs/FetchRefs/
FlexCat 1.5 Creates catalogs & source to handle them
FlexCat is a tool to create catalogs and the source to handle them,
similar to CatComp, KitCat or MakeCat. The main advantage of FlexCat
is that you determine what source you want and what programming
language. This is done by using template files, so-called source
descriptions. Included are templates for Assembler, C, C++, E and
Oberon, Modula-2 and an example of using catalogs in OS2.0. Source,
french, german, italian, spanish and schwaebisch, catalogs and docs in
english, german and spanish are included.
Author: Jochen Wiedmann
Path: AmigaLibdisk1029:Programs/FlexCat/
SwazInfo 1.4 Replaces WorkBench information window
SwazInfo replaces WorkBench's icon information window while still
retaining all the information and options and provid- ing several
enhancements. Features added in addition to normal Workbench
information are: AppWindow, support for MultiuserFileSystem,
configurable window font, commodities support, and ARexx support.
Author: David Swasbrook
Path: AmigaLibdisk1029:Programs/SwazInfo/
WangiPad 1.10 Launch programs from a list on WB
WangiPad lets you launch programs from a list on your workbench.
This a major advantage over the ToolManager Dock approach, you can
get more items in for less Workbench real-estate. It is also more
flexible than the ToolsDaemon menu method. Has many options and of
course supports drag 'n' drop AppWindow argument substitution.
Author: Lee Kindness
Path: AmigaLibdisk1029:Programs/WangiPad/
AmiCDROM 1.15 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
AmiCDROM is a CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga.
It supports the ISO-9660 standard, the Rock Ridge Interchange
Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format.
The CDROM drive is mounted as a DOS device (e.g. CD0:). You can
access files and directories on a CDROM disk by the usual syntax,
e.g. "type cd0:foo/readme.txt".
Author: Frank Munkert
Path: AmigaLibDisk1030:Programs/AmiCDROM/
MazeTest ?.? Iff map reading program in Amos
Playable demo of a 3-D maze that uses an iff map created with a
paint program. Directory contains the compiled program, Amos,
ascii source code, sample map and iff pictures used to create
a shape table.
Author: Ronald F. Picardi
Path: AmigaLibDisk1030:Programs/MazeTest/
Poing 2.2 Multi-tasking "BreakOut" style game.
Poing is a horizontal breakout clone with some nice touches.
This is a sound-enhanced version of Poing 2.1 - more tracks,
more instruments, and the sound is supposed to work on A4000's now.
Author: Paul van der Valk
Path: AmigaLibDisk1031:Programs/Poing/
Textfield 2.0 Text entry BOOPSI gadget
The textfield class allows you create an area on your screen for text
entry. The class supports a number of features including unlimited
or limited text entry, specifying the font to use, specifying the
colors for different parts (text, background, and lines), two types
of borders (with option to invert the borders for a total of 4 types
of borders) or no border, text left/center/right alignment, vertical
centering, and many other options.
There are many new features, and several bugs fixed. Some of the new
features include: word delete, line delete, Oberon support, faster
scrolling, read-only mode, modified buffer flag, accept and reject
characters, GA_IntuiText, programmable cut/copy/paste/erase.
Author: Mark Thomas
Path: AmigaLibDisk1031:Programs/Textfield/
Triton 1.2 An object oriented GUI creation system.
Triton is a standard Amiga shared runtime library. Triton makes it
much easier to create good looking graphical user interfaces (GUIs) than
GadTools, BOOPSI or other systems.
The most important features are:
* Object oriented system
* Automatically font sensitive, font adaptive
* Automatic keyboard shortcuts for default window actions
* *Really* easy to use
* Beautiful customizable AmigaOS3.x look
* Comes as a freely distributable shared library
* Size! Though Triton is very powerful, it is a shared library of
less than 50KB. You don't need any startup tools, BOOPSI classes
or other things. It's the Triton among the minnows of GUI creation
systems ;)
* Resizability of windows wherever applicable
* A Preferences editor which allows you to customize the look and
feel of all Triton GUIs
By using Triton you don't have to worry about otherwise very
time-consuming things like font-sensitivity and resizability of your
Author: Stefan Zeiger
Path: AmigaLibDisk1031:Programs/Triton/
ManageCDPics 1.2 A program to manage all your pictures
A GUI-Based cataloger that allows you to create "picture-databases"
and easily view the pictures.
Author: Markus Hillenbrand
Path: AmigaLibDisk1032:Programs/ManageCDPics/
YADCP 1.2 CD player interface for SCSI-2 CDROM's
Features: GUI that let's you access all functions of a normal CD-Player;
is a Commodity;
powerfull AREXX port;
localized for 2.1 and up (currently German);
can display songnames and CD title, of course you once have to enter
the names (about 150 CD texts are already included);
doesn't wastes memory;
SCSI errors are displayed as text (95 known);
If your CD-ROM is able to send audio over SCSI bus you also get the
following: Realtime stereo playback of audio on your Amiga, even on 68000 machines
(achieved by highly optimized assembler routines); Ability to save (parts of) songs
as stereo IFF (8SVX) or RAW (CDR). Binary only.
Author: Frank Wƒrkner
Path: AmigaLibDisk1032:Programs/YACDP/
Atoms 3.00 New game of Atoms.
Atoms game. 3 versions included. One basic Atoms Game, one for AGA,
and one for AGA Pal machines.
Author: Jesse McClusky
Path: AmigaLibDisk1033:Programs/Atoms/
TopYahtzee 1.06 Very nice Yahtzee game
A very nice implementation of the old favorite...
Author: Miljenko Vrankovic
Path: AmigaLibDisk1033:Programs/TopYahtzee/
CCC 0.2 Trash a large city with your monster
You guide a monster on its career of trashing a large city. Your
objective; to destroy as much of the city as possible before your
monster is destroyed by the military. The game is keyboard
controlled for one player.
Author: Ronald F. Picardi
Path: AmigaLibDisk1034:Programs/CCC/
NewAlertHook 40.3 Enhanced Alert display mechanism
Many people don't understand Amiga system error codes displayed
in the alerts. These codes contain a lot of information and it's
hard to learn what they mean. This program tries to improve the
alerts by adding the following information:
- Name of program that caused the alert.
- Complete text description of the error.
NewAlertHook has to be installed by the AddModule utility (also
included) by
AddModule NewAlertHook INIT
The INIT switch causes NewAlertHook to initialize itself without
rebooting the system.
Author: Martin Mares
Path: AmigaLibDisk1034:Programs/NewAlertHook/
TIFFView 1.14 Read-view-print TIFF,MACpaint,GIF,JPEG
A utility to read, view and print 'TIFF', 'MacPaint', 'GIF(87a & 89a)'
&'IFF', 'JPEG' or any image you have a 'DataType' for, and to write
them back as 'TIFF', 'JPEG' or 'IFF' files.
TIFFView is the most complete TIFF, GIF and JPEG reader ever seen on the
Author: Bert Wynants
Path: AmigaLibDisk1034:Programs/TIFFView/
DirMenu 0.9º Access files easily with pop up menus
Dir Menu is a pop up based file selector. You simply press a hotkey
and a menu will pop up on current screen, showing all disk volumes you
have. Then select a volume, and it's root directory will appear. Then
select any file on your directory, and Dir Menu will execute selected
file according to its type
With Dir Menu you can instantly and quickly browse throught directory
trees on your disk drives, easily take a look at a picture anywhere on
your disk, read any text without worrying how to load a text shower
first, look into a lha archive by simply selecting that archive file
You can configure what Dir Menu should do on any type of file you will
select. You can also configure your favorite directories and files to
appear on the first display (when you press a hotkey).
Dir Menu will recognize almost every known type of files. It uses
WhatIs library, and that means if there is any type of file not
already configured you can configure a new type, and Dir Menu will
remember it for ever!
Author: Jure Vrhovnik
Path: AmigaLibDisk1035:Programs/DirMenu/
Scorched_Tanks 1.77 A tank warfare game for 2 to 4 players.
Scorched Tanks is a tank warfare game where 1 to 4 human players or
computer controlled opponents, take turns at buying fancy weapons and
shooting them at each other. The more damage a player causes another,
the more money they get. The more money a player receives, the larger
the weapons they can buy. This is a very simple concept, but
extremely addictive!
Scorched Tanks is related to a very popular game called Scorched Earth
on MS-Dos machines. I've only played Scorched Earth maybe five times
ever. But it impressed me so much that I decided that the Amiga
needed a version too. Scorched Tanks is very similar yet VERY
different to the MS-Dos game.
Author: Michael Welch
Path: AmigaLibDisk1035:Programs/Scorched_Tanks/
ColConq 1.34f Space strategy game for 1 or 2 persons
Colonial Conquest is a space-strategy game for one or two persons.
The basic idea and concept have been heavily influenced by the
shareware game "Conquest" and the Microprose game "Civilization". The
aim of the game is to spread your civilization through the 26
earth-like planets of the universe map and to defend it from other
civilizations by building weapons and war ships. Unfortunately - like
all half-realistic simulations and strategy games - Colonial Conquest
will reward primitive destructive behavior and colonial instincts
without leaving much room for cooperative actions and peaceful living.
Take it as a game!
Author: Christian Mumenthaler
Path: AmigaLibDisk1036:Programs/ColConq/
JACOsub 2.1 Script player for making video titles
Timed script player/editor/timer for professional-quality
video titling. Extremely flexible script format - complete
control over title position, style, margins, color, font,
auto-wordwrap, font outline/shadow generation, etc. Time
events may be non-sequential and overlapping. Mix IFF
bitmaps with titles; display AGA graphics. 3rd-party
script formats supported. ARexx support. True multi-video
buffering. On-the-fly time shift and drift adjustments.
Author: Alex Matulich
Path: AmigaLibDisk1037:Programs/JACOsub/
PicBoot 2.6 Displays picture during bootup
Have you removed all output in your 2.0+ startup, and only see a
black screen during boot? Wouldn't it be nice to have a picture
instead? A picture that disappeared when the Workbench screen opened?
If so, PicBoot is certainly a program for you. What it will do is to
read any IFF file containing an ILBM picture - or a GIF file - and show
that picture. As soon as the Workbench screen appears (or you press any
mouse-button), the picture will go away.
Author: Magnus Holmgren
Path: AmigaLibDisk1037:Programs/PicBoot/
Verbes 1.2 French verb tutorial
Ensemble Verbes is a program to help students practise and
master French verbs in the most common tenses of the
language. The registered version of Ensemble Verbes
features over 75 verbs, including -er, -ir, -re, reflexive
and irregular conjugations; present, compound past,
imperfect, future, conditional and subjunctive present
tenses plus the present participle; and full online,
context-sensitive help via AmigaGuide. This version of
the program includes all the -er verbs and two of the
tenses from the registered version.
Users can also obtain The French Student's Dictionary &
Guide, a 150-page, 5500-entry French/English and English/
French reference. Registered users can get this at a
(very!) reduced cost.
Author: Peter Janes
Path: AmigaLibDisk1037:Programs/Verbes/
MineClone 1.2 Another clone of Minesweeper-style games
I've tried to make it looking like the IBM Minesweeper, but includes
some features the Original is missing. (sizeable window, changeable size
of minefields) And another difference: it needs Kick 3.0. I wanted
it running on the workbench screen but with nice colors. But palette
sharing is only available under Kick 3.0.
Here's a list about MineClones's features:
- sizeable window
- variable size of fields
- nice GUI, nice Colors and nice Smileys :-)
- opens on any Publicscreen
- using flexible way for allocating colors
- flashing fields
- choose bombs by number or percentage
- Saveclick-option, Automark-option and a whole lot more...
- global Automark-function, clearing all the trivial cases
- extra menu with custom actions
- keyboard-support
- localized
- needs Kick 3.0 and reqtools.library
- written in E
Author: Nico Max
Path: AmigaLibDisk1038:Programs/MineClone/
Wacom 1.16 Wacom tablet driver, controls Amigamouse
This Commodity enables you to use a pressure sensitive digitizer tablet
from Wacom with your Commodore Amiga. The tablet can be used together
with the mouse (or without it) as a direct input medium. Therefore, the
driver can be used together with (nearly) any software. Furthermore the
(pressure-sensitive) data provided by the tablet can be exported in custom
applications using a documented software interface. Now directly supports
the complete Wacom IV comandset and lets you define your own working area
on the tablet. Includes german localization.
Author: Roland Schwingel
Path: AmigaLibDisk1038:Programs/Wacom/
BattleAtSea 1.0 Naval Battle Simulation
Freely distributable naval battle simulation.
Author: Carsten Magerkurth
Path: AmigaLibDisk1039:Programs/BattleAtSea/
Filer 3.22 Configurable GUI-based Directory Utility
Filer is an Intuition controlled file manager for OS 2.04 and newer.
It is ShareWare, see documentation for registration details.
You can use Filer for copying, deleting and renaming files or creating
directories. You can create, list and extract archives with it or use
it as an universal viewing tool. Filer even is able to control your whole
system as a replacement for the Workbench.
Some of Filer's features are:
- font-sensitive, resizable and Style Guide compliant GadTools GUI
- ARexx interface
- highly configurable
- keyboard support
- class support
- archive support
- Envoy support
Author: Matthias Scheler
Path: AmigaLibDisk1039:Programs/Filer/
BrowserII 3.0 Directory maintenance utility
It is a multi-window file-manager. It is based on drag and drop just like
workbench. In fact, it is exactly like workbench in text mode. It is
fully asynchronous. That is to say, you can perform several copies,
delete, directory scan,... at the same time. You can pause or stop
running processes. Pressing [ESC] pauses all processes (accidental
operations). It is small, about 150 KBytes (not compressed of course),
including the whatis.library, a powerfull library that identify file
types. Does not use much memory when idle (may use more while copying).
Use pooled memory even under WB2.0 to minimize fragmentation. It is fast.
It has an intelligent iconification, directory tree, archive support,
window snapshot and an intelligent buffered copy process which makes it a
lot faster than standard copy commands/tools when source & destination
directories are on the same device unit. You can copy a complete 880 Kb
floppy with only 1 drive in 1 pass without using RAM disk as a tmp
storage. Copies even continue while iconified. And at last, it is
powerfull and highly configurable. It is ShareWare. Once registered, you
get a key file which is valid forever. if you are not registered (you
don't have the key file), the about requester will popup from time to
time, but BrowserII stay fully functionnal.
Available languages: english, french, deutsch, svenska
Author: Pierre Carrette, Sylvain Rougier
Path: AmigaLibDisk1040:Programs/BrowserII/
TSO_II 2.04 Defragment floppy and hard disks.
TSO II can be used to optimize (defragment) floppy disks and hard disks in
order to speed up directory and file accesses. Contains a German and an
English version of the executable and a timer. Requires KickStart 2.04+.
Author: J. Heºe
Path: AmigaLibDisk1040:Programs/TSO_II/
UnDel 1.1 Very fast file undeleting utility
AmigaDos and its filesystem have been released some years ago. During
this long period, CBM didn't release any kind of tool which would be
able to check and repair disks and recover deleted files. There are
many third-party utilities capable of doing such a job, but they are
usually terribly slow and they don't support all standard filesystems.
- Supports any standard filesystem - OFS / FFS + DirCache /
INTL mode
- Very fast (only free blocks are scanned, written in assembly etc.)
- Special option for systems with small amount of memory
- Nice user interface in shell window ;-)
(If some non-standard console is detected, new CON: window
is opened.)
- Recovered files are copied to another device
- Protection bits and file note are also recovered
- UNDEL is pure and can be made resident
Author: Martin Mares
Path: AmigaLibDisk1040:Programs/UnDel/